Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Why the Best Money Making System is So Hard to Find

Almost everyone promoting online today thinks that they have the best money making system. Obviously, they can't all be right, just by definition alone. The truth is, most of the people saying that are not making any money at all. I'll tell you how I know this and why the best program is so hard to find.

First of all, if someone really does have the best money making system, they don't have to use hype to get people to look at their offer. They simply have to plug into the system and let it go to work. The results will speak for themselves.

Second, when someone claims to have the best money making system, they are usually talking about one income stream. What they don't realize is that in order to really make a lot of money, you have to have several things working for you at the same time.

It's the whole concept of having multiple streams bringing in money. That is how fortunes are made and empires are built. Not by doing one thing over and over again.

Third, the best money making system would have to be something that does not take a lot of time to maintain. Otherwise, it would be a pain in the neck.

But if you have been around the block a few times, you know that no one ever tells you everything involved in their programs. That is until you spend all of your time setting everything up. And by then it is too late.

Fourth, for it to really be the best money making system, it has to be simple enough for anyone to do. Again, not a lot of programs out there even come close to being anything short of complex.

So how do you find the best money making system then? What it boils down to is this: the best money making system is the one that really works for you. I know, it sounds crazy.

Let me put this into perspective for you with a real world example.

My neighbor invited me to a party at her house where a salesperson would be demonstrating kitchen tools. I happen to love this particular company's products, so I went and purchased several items from the consultant.

Afterwards, my neighbor told me that she is going to go into business doing the same thing. Now even though I have my own home based business that may have worked for her, I expressed excitement at the prospect of her getting her started with that company. I mean, who am I to tell her that she would not make money at it? She may end up loving it and making more at it than anyone else in the history of the whole company!

Now to my knowledge, this company has never created any millionaires. However, it has given a lot of women (and possibly a few men) the extra income they were looking for at a particular time in their lives.

Yes, but isn't that time consuming you ask--having to go to people's houses for several hours to make a hundred dollars (if that--I was the only one who showed that night)?

Sure it is. But when you love doing something it doesn't feel like work at all.

Now, I am not advocating that you go out and sign up with the next party plan that shows up at your door. However, I am suggesting that you open your mind up to the possibility that there may be a lot of things that will work for you.

And better yet, there may be a way of putting them together to create the best money making system you could ever hope to find anywhere.

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