Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Business Online

What is the purpose of your life? most people would say it is to love, be loved and to grow, which is great, we all want that, but when it comes to business we must define a greater purpose set some goals and targets to reach. One of the hardest challenges in life is to make the right choices. We choose and make decisions daily, all decisions we make will affect our lives one way or another.

Choosing the Right New Business Opportunity for YOU.

You must first make a list of what's most important to you in your new business. Is making a lot of money the most important? Is helping other people in need the most important? only you can decide this but you must be honest about your choices, because it will affect your business and your life.

Now that you have decided what the most important focus of your new business will be, you now need to make a list of your strengths and weaknesses.

Do you remember growing up? believing that deep down in your soul you had a special gift and wanting to make the world a better place. For many, those dreams have dissipated through the years and they got accustomed to their daily routines, lost all hope, thinking that perhaps they do not have that special gift after all.

That's also a choice you have made, you chose your routine life, whether consciously or unconsciously, at some point in your life you decided to settle for what you currently have.

You have everything you need within you to change and make new choices for your life, like starting a new business.

Make a list of your strengths, are you good with people? do you enjoy working with people? you have a knack for selling? You must be honest with this list so you may make the best choice for your new business.

Make a list of your weaknesses, perhaps dealing with people is one of your weaknesses, you are too shy or you feel intimidated. List all your weaknesses so you may make the correct choice when choosing your new opportunity-business.

For example, if your biggest weakness is fumbling your words when speaking to an audience, then you certainly wouldn't want to start up a seminar business on how to? (example). If you're prone to feeling ill when changing a baby's diaper then you certainly wouldn't want to start an elderly care business and having to clean up the elderly. These are all important factors to incorporate into the business choices you need to make.

Making a true decision means cutting off any other possibility, there is no alternative.

When you truly decide that you are going to follow your dreams and start up your own business, then that's's over, there is no alternative. Once you've made this tough decision you may actually feel a tremendous amount of relief.

You now have a clear unquestioned objective. This clarity gives you an incredible amount of strength, decide what to focus on every minute of your life.

What should you do now? Chose the business you would like to get into, learn everything you can about that new opportunity, and focus on what it will take to make it happen. Do not deviate, do not get discouraged if you run into a wall (trust me you will) and most importantly think about what accomplishing these goals will do for you and your family. How happy do you want to be? It's a choice only you can make!

We all have the power within us to achieve great things, only those who make that choice will reach their final destination.

Dare to Dream!

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