Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Having Fat in Your Diet Plan is Healthy

Lots and lots of people who are trying to lose weight, think that eliminating fat from their diet plans is a good thing. They couldn't be further away from the truth. An healthy diet should contain some fats and healthy fats such as omega 3 which are found in oily fish, will give our bodies the essential nutrients that they need to operate at an optimum level.

Going overboard though on the amount of fats in our diet plans can cause you to gain weight fast. This is because one gram of fat equates to a whopping 9 calories, which when you compare it to one gram of protein & carbohydrate which only equates to just 4 calories. You can understand why most dieters try to eliminate fat from their diet plans.

A healthy ratio of fat to eat in your diet plan is 10%. With you getting the rest of your daily calories from 50% carbohydrates and 40% protein. The best way to get these 10% healthy fats in your diets is just by eating oily fish like salmon and mackerel. The added bonus to eating this type of fish is the high quantity of protein which is contained in it. Which as we all know is an important part of our diet for building lean muscle.

If you want to lose weight successfully and keep it off eat fat in your diet, but healthy fats at around 10% of your daily calorie intake and you will be surprised at how much more energy you have got to complete your workouts and more energy throughout the day. If you compared it how you felt on a diet plan that contained no fat in it at all.

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